The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) has now officially acknowledged the League’s petition to the agency aimed at combating unfair demurrage and detention charges. As previously announced, the League is leading a coalition of two dozen associations representing importers and exporters across a full spectrum of American industries. The coalition is challenging the common practice of shippers and truckers being charged high fees for late pickup or redelivery of containers when adverse port conditions prevent them from acting within allowable free time.
The FMC issued a “Notice of Filing and Request for Comments” on Petition No. P4-16 on December 20th and set a February 28, 2017 deadline for comments. League members are strongly encouraged to file comments with the FMC, and the League will provide guidance and assistance for members wishing to share their views with the agency.
This important initiative will be discussed in detail at the League’s Summit in San Diego, CA January 30-February 1, 2017. If you haven’t made plans to join us there, register now to ensure your seat at the table for updates on this initiative and many others.