Archive for News

Joint Association Coalition Letter to President Biden – East Coast Gulf Coast Port Labor Negotiations!

On behalf of the undersigned organizations representing manufacturers, farmers and agribusinesses, wholesalers, retailers, restaurants, manufacturers, importers, exporters, distributors, transportation and logistics providers, and other supply chain stakeholders, we are writing to you again expressing significant concern about the state of negotiations between the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) to help them return to the bargaining table to restart stalled negotiations.

Click here to read the letter.

Chemical Facilities Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) Program

The undersigned organizations write to urge you to include the language of the Carper-Peters amendment (#2502) to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024 (S. 4638), which reauthorizes the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS through October 1, 2026, into the substitute NDAA bill that will be filed soon.

Click here to read the letter.

NITL is in strong opposition to the petition filed by OCEMA

On behalf of the undersigned organization representing shippers, beneficial cargo owners, trucking companies and other supply chain stakeholders, we are writing in strong opposition to the petition filed by the Ocean Carrier Equipment Management Association to extend the effective date of the Detention and Demurrage Billing Requirements Final Rule (Final Rule). We urge the Commission to reject the petition.

Click here to read the letter.

We call upon the administration to immediately work with both parties to resume contract negotiations and ensure there is no disruption to port operations and cargo fluidity

On behalf of the undersigned organizations representing manufacturers, farmers and agribusinesses, wholesalers, retailers, importers, exporters, distributors, transportation and logistics providers, and other supply chain stakeholders, we are writing to you regarding labor negotiations between the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX). This labor contract, which covers all maritime ports along the East and Gulf coasts, is set to expire on September 30, 2024.

Click here to read the letter.

Gemini Cooperation Agreement, FMC Agreement No. 201429

The National Industrial Transportation League (“NITL” or the “League”) hereby submits its comments to the Federal Maritime Commission (“FMC”) regarding the Gemini Cooperation Agreement (“Gemini Agreement”) for which notice of the agreement’s filing with the agency was published in the Federal Register on June 6, 2024 (89 Fed. Reg. 48430).

Click here to read the comments.

NITL Intervenes On Final Rule of EP711

(“NITL”) respectfully moves this Court to allow NITL to intervene in the above-captioned appeal of the Surface Transportation Board’s (“STB”) April 30, 2024, order adopting a final rule in STB Docket No. EP 711 (Sub-No. 2), Reciprocal Switching for Inadequate Service (the “Order”).

Click here to read the motion.

NITL Sees Missed Opportunity with STB’s Competitive Switching Final Rule

Washington, DC.  The National Industrial Transportation League (NITL or League), the nation’s leading trade association representing US shippers that rely on rail freight transportation systems to competitively ship their materials sees a missed opportunity with the Surface Transportation Board’s (STB or Board) final rule on Competitive Switching for Inadequate Service announced on April 30.

Click here to read the press release.

NITL Supports Petition for Class I railroads to Report Service Performance Data

The National Industrial Transportation League (“NITL”) respectfully submits this letter in support of the Petition for Reconsideration filed by the Freight Rail Customer Alliance (“FRCA”) and National Coal Transportation Association (“NCTA”) on February 20, 2024, seeking reconsideration of the Board’s decision to discontinue the Class I railroads’ service performance data reporting obligations under 49 C.F.R. Part 1250.

Click here to read the comments.

Testimony of National Industrial Transportation League, Informal Public Hearing on the Impact of Current Conditions in the Red Sea, and Gulf of Aden Regions, FMC-2024-0003-February 7, 2024 10:00 am

NITL is very mindful of the aggressions in the Middle East and the dangers faced by ocean carriers and their crews operating commercial vessels in the region. I want to be clear that NITL strongly supports measures to ensure their utmost safety and security, which must be a top priority. However, NITL members have concerns that the conditions in the Red Sea are causing carriers to assess unreasonable rates and charges with limited notice, and shippers are experiencing substantial disruption to supply chains due to unanticipated costs and shipment delays.

Click here to read the testimony.

With all of the turmoil in the supply chain right now, NITL is proud to be a part of the Americans for Free Trade

On behalf of the undersigned members of Americans for Free Trade, we are writing to request that Congress exercise its Article I, Section 8 authority over trade matters and urge USTR to immediately conclude and release the results of its four-year statutory review of the Section 301 tariffs. USTR initiated this review on May 3, 2022. USTR has taken over a year and half to conduct the review, which has exacerbated the uncertainty around the future of the tariffs. We further urge Congress to demand that USTR provide an immediate extension for the limited China 301 tariff exclusions and COVID exclusions, which are currently set to expire on December 31 – less than 20 days from now.

Click here to read the letter.