
The League is comprised of five committees that help chart the course for the association and the industry. If you are a League member and have interest in serving on a committee, contact NITL staff

Education Committee
The Education Committee is responsible for the planning of NITL events, primarily the NIT League Transportation Summit, NITL’s annual gathering of freight transportation professionals.

Highway Transportation Committee
The Highway Transportation Committee monitors and makes recommendations on issues pertaining to highway transportation including small shipments and postal issues. To read more about the Highway Transportation Committee, click here.

Highway Committee Chair:
Jeff Tucker
Tucker Company Worldwide, Inc.

Membership Committee
The Membership Committee goal is to assist NITL in recruiting and retaining current members with a focus on acquiring members and providing them with basic information about NITL.

Ocean Transportation Committee
The Ocean Transportation Committee monitors and makes recommendations on matters pertaining to import and export transportation by water. Its responsibilities include rates, agreements, equipment, facilities, and port terminal fees, as well as the inland portion of any international shipments moving under a single factor rate, service, or agreement. To read more about the Ocean Transportation Committee, click here.

Ocean Committee Chair:
Siva Narayanan
Solvay America, Inc.

Railroad Transportation Committee
The Railroad Transportation Committee monitors and makes recommendations on issues pertaining to cargo moved by rail. Its responsibilities include rates and related matters, classification, facilities, mergers and consolidations, equipment supply, demurrage and storage, accessorial services, and safety. To read more about the Railroad Transportation Committee, click here.

Railroad Committee Chair:
Ross Corthell
Packaging Corporation of America