Check this page often for updates on the NIT League Transportation Summit.
Early Bird prices have been extended to 10/31/2019.
Join us for a special tour of Ranger Creek Brewing & Distilling on Tuesday, January 21st from 2:30-5:30 pm. The tour of the facility will focus on the logistical implications of their business operations. Tickets are $100 (not included in Summit registration) that include transportation to and from the venue, two complimentary drinks, and hors ‘d oeuvres. Sign up when you complete your registration form.
Join NITL Summit attendees for the biggest networking event of the Summit, the Supplier Dinner. This year’s dinner will feature renowned coach and communicator Ankha Marza.
Registration now open!
Registration for the NITL 2020 Summit in San Antonio, Texas will be opening August 20, 2019.